Why hello there, young fellow… If you are looking at this page, you are ready for a journey down Fame Street! This quiz may lead your penguin to public fame… The rewards are very fabulous, yet full of fame… Here they be:

1st: An appearance in 4 videos, a free interview, A permanent add to my buddy list!

2nd: An appearance in 2 videos and a permanent add to my buddy list

3rd: An appearance in a video and a 2 year add to my buddy list

4th: A 1 and half year add to my buddy list!

Good luck….

Part 1

a, How many videos have I made? (quite obvious)

b, Are you desperate in winning 1st prize? (Not compulsory)

c, How many famous penguins are in Club Penguin?

d, Is my blog the best?

Part 2

a, Club Penguin has many minigames, what is the most preferred minigame?

b, Has club penguin been updated really well?

c, How many buddies are on my buddy list?

d, Are you glad that the Fall Fair 2010 is coming!